PageFocus Version 3.1 ( Shareware Version) Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Creative Stars, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Creative Stars, Inc. P.O. Box 2794 Redmond, WA 98073 TEL: (206) 485-1737 FAX: (206) 487-0980 EMail: Internet: CompuServe: 102337,1132 OMBUDSMAN STATEMENT ========================================================================== This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536." ========================================================================== ========================================================================== Subjects covered in this file: ========================================================================== Description of the Package Release Notes and New Features How to Register Installation Files How to Quick-Start Technical Support Copy Rights / License Distribution by Vendors Application Programmers DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY Description of the Package: ========================================================================== PageFocus is a Windows application for creating document, graphics, forms, and database. The package contains two programs: PFOCUS.EXE This is named PageFocus. Use this for creating and designing drawings, forms, documents, catalogs, etc. EX.EXE This is the run-time program, used for entering data into forms/documents created by PFOCUS.EXE, or used as a viewer for viewing files created by PFOCUS.EXE. The entered data can be saved to create your own database. With properly designed forms, data in the databases can be retreived into different forms. To find a summary of the features of PageFocus, use EX.EXE to open USEGUIDE.PF file. Release Notes and New Features ========================================================================== A. Difference between the shareware version and a registered version: This version contains all the features of a registered version except that spelling check is disabled and that import/export is limited to bitmap, PCX and PageFocus files. If you print out forms in the shareware version, you will find an "Unregistered PageFocus" placed at the bottom of the page as a reminder. Note: Any forms, databases that you create with the shareware version can be used in a registered version of PageFocus. The "Unregistered .." marking will be automatically removed by the registered version. B. Evaluation period The evaluation period is 30 days. If you do not register after the evaluation period, please remove all the files related to PageFocus from your computer. C. The help file provides all the information you need to run the program. A PageFocus file, USEGUIDE.PF, contains useful information. Another file, TIPS.PF, is useful for seeking frequently asked questions. No printed documentation is provided. D. Minimum system requirements: 386 PC or up. VGA, Must have a mouse. (33Mz 486 and up + Super VGA and up preferred) Windows 3.1 or up. Shareware version takes up approximately 2M Bytes of disk space. Registered Version takes up 3.5 M Bytes of disk space. E. The button bars described in PageFocus help file is based on a super-VGA screen mode. If your monitor is running on VGA mode, the button bar will be slightly different from those described in the help files. However, this will not affect the use of PageFocus because all the button commands are available from PageFocus menus. F. To see what's new in version 3.1, please use PageFocus or EX program to open WHATNEW.PF file located in the installed directory. How to Register ========================================================================== If you decide to keep the software, you must register with Creative Stars, Inc.. The registration fee is $29.00 per copy plus $5 shipping/handling fee for US and Canada. ( for other areas, the shipping/handling charge is $10 ). Upon registration, we will ship you the registered version of PageFocus which includes a spell checker for text editing, extended import/export of most graphic file formats, and bitmap editing capabilities. Since the help files of PageFocus contains all the information you need to run the programs, no printed documentation is provided. You can register by: 1. Phone 206-485-1737 (Weekdays 8am to 5pm, Pacific Standard Time in US) We will need your credit card information, phone number and address. 2. Fax 206-487-0980 (Any time) You can select the "Register" command in the Help menu of PageFocus (PFOCUS.EXE) or EX ( EX.EXE ), this command will open ORDER.PF automatically. Enter the needed information, then fax it to us (if you have fax function properly set up on PageFocus, you can use the fax command from the File menu). 3. Mail Follow step 2 to fill out the ORDER form. Mail the order form by including a check, money order, or provide your credit card infomation. Our address is at the top of this file. We accept Visa and Master cards, company and personal checks. Installation: ========================================================================== After unzipping your PFOCUS31.ZIP, install PageFocus by running the install program. If you have 2.x version of PageFocus, we suggest that you save your original version in a separate directory. !!! Important... Must read... !!!. Note: If you have a previous "unregistered version" of PageFocus, you must remove all the old files and directories before installing the new shareware version. Otherwise, you may not be able to use the new version. Files: ========================================================================== pfocus.exe The main PageFocus program pfocus.hlp Help file ex.exe The run time program, EX. exhelp.hlp Help file for EX readme.txt Readme text file. Use EX.EXE or PFOCUS.EXE to open or print this file. Contains a number of useful tips and a summary of the PageFocus features. To order the full version of PageFocus, you can use EX to open this file and fill in necessary information. Then, if you have properly set up fax on your computer, just fax it to as with the fax command in the File menu. Or, simply print a copy, then fax/mail to us. You can also examine this file to learn about how to create forms using fields and tables. PageFocus Sample Files are Located in the SAMPLES sub-directory: A sample form for creating your own diary database. A sample fax form. We use a similar form to manage our everyday fax communication. A sample form for keeping track of your bright ideas. Sample invoice. Sample form for creating an item list database If you open it with EX, you can click the buttons in the pages to move from one page to another. Sample form for sending out a packing list. An example of how to create interesting patterns. Demonstrates the use of button object to provide a hyper-like document. Demonstrates the use of fields to set up your database. product.xdb A database with data stored by entering data into product.txt A sample text file for importing to the database product.xdb. For demonstrating that you can retrieve a record from product.xdb. (we call it cross-form data retrieval) A sample drawing. PageFocus object library functions like a clip art, but is more flexible. A number of sample object library (OLB) are provided in the OLB sub-directory. How to Quick Start: ========================================================================== 1. Read USEGUIDE.PF & TIPS.PF (Use PageFocus, or EX to open. ) 2. Open any sample PageFocus file in the SAMPLES sub-directory and play with these files. Technical Support: ========================================================================== For registered users, we provide a 90-day technical support: phone (206) 485-1737, weekdays 8am to 5pm, Pacific Standard Time in US. e-mail: For unregistered users, we will try to answer your initial questions during the evaluation period. Please use the phone number or the e-mail address above. Copy Rights / License ========================================================================== PageFocus is protected by United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Distribution by Vendors, BBS, etc. ========================================================================== If you are interested in distributing PageFocus, please contact Creative Stars, Inc. directly. Application Programmers ========================================================================== You can license the run-time program EX.EXE separately and release it with your forms. Contact Creative Stars, Inc for additional information. ========================================================================== DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE AND THE RELATED DOCUMENTATION ARE RELEASED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. GOOD DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURE DICTATES THAT ANY PROGRAM BE THOROUGHLY TESTED WITH NON-CRITICAL DATA BEFORE RELYING ON IT. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE MINUS THE HANDLING CHARGES. ==========================================================================